Sunday Funday June 21
So you may have noticed this is NOT my video. Yeah—no video from this week. Lots of things going on, lots of videos that I made for teaching instead:). The Holy Post Podcast has been a great help to me the past year, as we are are far from America and want to be close to the things that are affecting our friends and family—but don’t want to wade into the American media scene.
Prayers and Praises
Prayers for personal growth and always turning closer to Christ. Praises for no panic attacks in two weeks!
Praises for our last online church session with Cajueiro Claro—it was super homey, and Caid shared the message from his heart. Prayers as next week (June 28) we will be meeting in person again (as our small church has way under 50 people, we are good to go!
Praises as things are slowly opening up—on Saturday we got to go to our local mall, see the fish, run around, eat ice cream cones, and get pizza to go: we really had missed things like that. Prayer for Jessica—as she has become very mommy-centric, and wasn’t sure what to do with herself in public (there was a lot of tears).
Interweb Reads:
White Saviors and Hashtag Activism: “And without mentioning the entrenched racism that permeates the sector: from the dominance of white males in leadership roles to the unpaid but necessary internships that effectively exclude poor people, and certainly black people, aid organizations sought to shroud their complicity by extolling the virtues of our democracy and commitment to human rights in their public statements. This should be a watershed moment for development professionals and international do-gooders.” (Devex)
#Aidtoo: “You would be very hard-pressed to find a female aid or development worker who has not experienced some type of sexual harassment,” says veteran aid worker Heidi Lehmann. “Unfortunately, navigating sexual harassment, and finding ways to keep yourself safe, as a woman, is often seen as the price of being a female aid worker. That’s wrong.” (GP Investigations)
Dear China: a note from a grateful expat: tis the season…it seems like a lot of missionaries I know online are moving/changing/heading home. (The Culture Blend)
If you are pro-life, then you must also be anti-racist: “Preston Perry’s quote was not speaking to the origins of Planned Parenthood, but rather to the present-day social inequities that are the results of systematically racist economic, housing, health, and educational policies which often factor into a woman’s “choice” surrounding her pregnancy and her overall reproductive health.” (Faithfully Magazine)
50 Books by People of Color (Kate Motaung)
Marriage Counseling and Racial Restoration: the one where I try to put my two cents in (Five Minutes of Fergie)
Doing the Inner Work: “So when someone asks you to sit and do some inner work about racism, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are racist- it means welcome to the party.” (Five Minutes of Fergie)