Sunday Funday June 14

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Prayers and Praises

You know its been quite a week when I post on Saturday (almost a week late) for Sunday Funday. It has been a hard week for a family, with a lot of struggles and learning. Thank you for your prayers.

Praises for a really nice Dia dos Namorados (June 12), which is Brazilian Valentine’s Day: Caid and I had a lovely time driving in beautiful Brazilian countryside, and sharing our hearts.

Praises for the girls, as they continue to grow and find new creative ways of playing (Don’t forget to see Sofia’s first music video!)

Prayers for the racial struggles in the USA. It definitely doesn’t affect us the same way in Brazil, but it is definitely something we are praying about and working through in our multiracial family. This is also an issue in Brazil…just in some different ways. Here is a video, if you’d like to start a discussion:

Interweb Reads:

  1. Thinking about our history: I think it is important to realize that “History is written by the Victors” -Winston Churchill and how we present it is really important. In the past 10 years, a lot of christian leaders that I learned from, or knew personally have had great moral failures. And it has been hard to see them be human. It has been hard to let them come down from my homemade pedestals. It doesn’t mean that I didn’t learn from them, or that God didn’t use them in my life, but there is a bit of realizing “But for the grace of God…”

    My favorite president is Abraham Lincoln. Always has been. And I could feel myself getting nervous when people started talking abour removing statues. I looked up and read this article, and was actually relieved: no, he wasn’t perfect. Maybe a little disheartening to know, but under it all, I think there are things I am still proud of that he stood for. I know I was taught about Robert E. Lee’s good character in school (ummmmm) and how Christopher Columbus had success because of his faith in God (ummmmmmm……..) and maybe in some areas they did some good things—but I think general facts and effects of actions need to take the lead over some of these shiny review. Taking down statues is not changing history. I think it is something that needs to be considered. I also think some people easily take it too far in the other direction—as is always common in any change in cultural thought.


2. How to start a House church: for a change of subject, and so I don’t lose this resource:) (Kathrine Morehouse)

3. How did our Good Evangelical Theology allow Apartheid? Some good history to know (Isiphambano)

4. Strangers in Covidland: “Culture stretching and culture shock happen even when people look the same and own the same passport. It can be more difficult and blindsiding because when we look alike we expect to have the same internal wiring, but we often don’t. Might I be so bold as to say many of us are sliding into culture shock?” (A Life Overseas)

5. Kiler Mike on his Frustrations with “White Jesus””“White Jesus is not good for the African-American community,” he says. He calls it “the greatest hindrance that black people have.” “As an African-American, there’s pain and trauma attached to Him because the same people that are responsible for me being here worship the same God,” he explains.” (Revevant)

6. Racial Justice Resources for Teaching Children (Multicultural Kid Blogs)

7. Yeah, but You’re not Black: ““I hear you buddy. Sometimes I feel like that too.” “Yeah,” he said, “But you’re not Black.” Wow. That hit. Hard.” (the Culture Blend)


Sunday Funday June 21


Sunday Funday June 7