Sunday Funday August 2
I did not make this video, although I did make lots of teaching videos this week, I thought this one was quite interesting—and their thoughts on having kids, which is in the “extras” or whatnot that you can find on his channel. Great conversations!!
Prayers and Praises
God provided for our family in some really great and important ways this week, and we are so grateful. Since we do not have things finalized, we will not share it all for everyone yet—but celebrate that God is good with us!
Praises for learning to trust my husband as he makes big choices for our family.
There are still a lot of unknowns, but part of the travel ban has been lifted for American’s coming to Brazil. Just sayin, if anyone is hearin :). Prayers as we still have not heard about schools—fingers crossed for September?
Praises for simple joys and rhythms that look so different these days, but feel so familiar now that it has been a couple of months.
Interweb Reads:
FREE and beautiful PDF of a book called “Not my idea” about racism.
Rethinking the Science of Skin: I needed an interesting read that wasn’t controvercial this week:) (New Yorker)
The Forest Hill Couple who Adopted 30 Kids: another interesting, but more slightly controvercial article (Toronto Life)
Coming or Going in Turbulent Times: “Please don’t just shrug all this off. Don’t dismiss the added stress that these increased challenges bring. Don’t simply put on a bigger smile as you push yourself harder. Rather, acknowledge the difficult circumstances and give yourself grace. And, as always, but especially now, understand the need for help in navigating your transitions.” (A Life Overseas)
Demons of Disaster: A hard and important read about for those of us working to serve abroad from the secular perspective. (the Baffler)