Sunday Funday September 15
So things are getting official here at the Five Minutes of Fergie website! I have loved doing Sunday Funday for a couple of years now, so time to make it official, with our weekly Wlog, Prayers and Praises, and Interweb Reads.
Praise for two recent holidays: Brazilian Independence day (September 7) and Carpina (our local town) Founder’s day—which we spent far away from Carpina, at the beach. We really enjoyed getting to spend those holidays sharing Brazilian fun with Christa, the intern at the International School. Did you know we need interns???
Prayer for more Interns. We need two interns per semester. If we had three—really good stuff could happen. We currently have one.
Praise for this lovely new website that I now have three blogs on—I wanted to separate Sunday Funday as it’s own thing, and have Missions Monday be its own thing. But then what about the random stuff I write about? So Whatever Wednesday happened to. Any ideas for the other days of the week?
Prayer for more time to actually write on the blogs.
Praise for the new neighbors. We were sad to see Pastor Assuerio and his family return to Africa, but have gained a family of six, with four kids that love to play with my kids. It is quite humbling to me that they are happily living in the 2 bedroom (the second bedroom is TINY) home I considered too small for our family.
Praise for Feira Nova Living Stones that just had their first official event at the church. The church is nowhere near done, but it has a floor (and makeshift door for the bathroom), and that’s about all you need when walking by faith.
Prayer for the upcoming Living Stones Weekend, where we hope to raise $20,000 to finish the building at Feira Nova, and start a full-time program for 30 children.
And I will be there in person:) yay!!
Interweb Reads:
Velvet Ashes Book Club: So Velvet Ashes as a community of expat women, mostly missionary women. They have a book club, and are currently reading the book I just most recently finished: Trevor Noah’s “Born a Crime.” An important read for everyone!
5 Questions to ask a visiting Missionary at dinner: well written and fun:)
The Christian church, mental health, and suicide: For Suicide awareness day (September 10)
The Exvangelical movement and why I will always love the church: It seems like people are slowly coming out and confirming their stance on being evangelical, or rejecting as an excangelical.
MKs and the Painful gift of Need: my favorite read this week
Are Missionary Kids Missionaries? So I gave in and posted this on Facebook this week. So important.
I’d Probably Still Cancel your Short Term Missions Trip: NOTICE: I am pro-STMTs! But done differently from the majority of trips these days. This outlines the guidelines to have very well.