Sunday Funday September 22
Prayers and Praises:
Praise for such an amazing home that we have (renting)! Monday we have choir over, Tuesday was Tacos (of course), Wednesday we had a dear couple over, Friday we had all the teens from Cajueiro Claro over for movie night, and Saturday we babysat so friends could go on a date.
Prayers for mysterious health issues: Jessie randomly vomited one evening, but then has been fine since.
Interweb Reads:
World Vision flips the script: My friend sent me this link and said “Sounds like what you did a couple of years ago…” Which is true, and which made me happy;) (Christianity Today)
Goal Hourglass: Something I put together with some new resources I have been using lately! Get Goaling! (Five Minutes Of Fergie)
Dear Tanzanian friends, I’m sorry for being a jerk sometimes: “Poking fun at the "amusing" things I saw in your country, many times arrogantly implying that, given the circumstances, I could do things so much better. Pointing out a lot that was wrong, and not enough that was right.” (Everyone needs a little grace)
Feeling kinda inadequate? Talking about Amy Carmicheal? Must post. Amazing lady. (Ann Voskamp)
Opportunity of Opposites: “I have come to understand, respect, and even uphold a lot of local ideals and beliefs. I don’t hold my American patriotism too tightly. More and more often, I find myself understanding local motivations and reasonings — and questioning my American ones. Things that upset me about the culture when I first entered it make sense now in ways that are hard for me to explain to fellow expats…So, why am I still so opposite? Why didn’t the divide between us lower more quickly? Why aren’t my best efforts at practicing incarnational ministry paying off and producing fast fruit? No matter what I do, how I live, how I speak or dress— will it ever be enough? Is all the effort even worth it?” (Velvet Ashes)
After Moving Season: “If you count the cost, the cost will often be too high. So don’t count it. Be open to love and community anyway.” I am still grieving moving season as well. (A Life Overseas)