Sunday Funday October 11

Sunday Funday.png

Prayers and Praises


NOTE: Hello guys. If you are reading this, then you are someone who follows us and cares for us, and I appriciate it. We are coming to some big changes, which of course means lots of little changes—so many little changes that I haven’t figured most of them out yet.

I am working on our last Five Minutes of Fergie e-newsletter, because I started sending it to update people on our missionary life in Brazil, and that is coming to an end soon. My life as a missionary is far from over—but the “missionary life in another country” chapter is closing. What people were getting from it is changing, as well as how the best way to communicate to people is.

I am also rethinking Sunday Funday (which, for the longest time has never actually been posted on Sunday). Sunday Funday is made up of three parts: video, prayers, and posts. Our family will still make videos, but we are not holding ourselves to the same weekly standard as we have in the past: when it happens, it happens. I have really loved making Instagram “Thank you Jesus” posts, which can continue without Sunday Funday. Lastly, I post on my blog things that I like, appriciate, and share—but don’t want to necessarily start a Facebook war over—so don’t just post directly to Facebook. I have found that it helps me to be more thoughtful, instead of just clicking a button.

All that to say, the idea of Sunday Funday will continue, but not in the same way. When I have the time, I will post whatever videos, prayers, and posts have happened since the last time: so maybe it will be a whole bunch saved up for a really big Sunday Funday. I will make sure to have updates on Instagram/Facebook (I really appricate how they are connected so easily!) when we post a video and prayers—as well as our regular pictures and stories! And the posts—well, you will get my opinion eventually:). Speaking of which:

Interweb Reads:

I really appriciated this video, as someone from a multi-racial family who holds and loves and values her white Christian family who voted and believes very strongly republican, and her black Christian family who voted and believes very strongly democrat. I think it is important to understand how they can look at the same facts very differently, through many different experiences.

I cannot vouch for the facts presented in this video (as some people I love disagree with much of what is presented in this video) as I have not studied it myself, but the main idea rings true in that Christian values will not fit in a republican or democrat box, and our Christian formation should come before our political one.

2. African-Americans to Missions: I want to join. But first, change: “Less than 1 percent of American missionaries are black, by some reports, but that may be about to change. Or if you consider some little-known parts of history, it may go back to how modern missions began with African Americans playing a key part.” (A Life Overseas) Basically—just read the whole website…it is amazing.


Sunday Funday November and December, Part 1


Sunday Funday October 4