Sunday Funday November and December, part 2

I really, really love the process of “input-output.” I guess that is why I love Sunday Funday so much, because it helps me to take my weekly input, and make some output. It makes me feel productive and helpful and successful. I haven’t done that in the past two months. My productive/helpful/successful self was just surviving transition, some days better than others. But it is nice sometimes to keep to yourself for a season. To ruminate, and chew, chew, chew some more. I have appriciated that as well.

I feel a bit of a sigh of relief to have basically caught up on videos and ideas and Interweb reads. It is definitely part of my “unpacking emotionally” process, which sometimes seems so close to done, and then still so far from finished. Welcome to part 2 of 3, which has the videos I’ve made since we returned to the USA (the holidays not included yet).

After being in Brazil for many years--and our last visit to America being almost two years ago--we have returned, and this time, for good. Here are some adve...
Recently back in the USA from Brazil, we decided to take the next step and visit IKEA, of course! Also our zoo (tiger) adventures, and up close with snakes a...
My amazing cousin offered to help set up our new home in the USA, as we currently have 8 suitcases we brought from Brazil, as well as about 10 boxes of thing...
It is a Winzeler Family Tradition to head to Madison Indiana and stay at Clifty Falls State park around Christmas time. We were excited to be able to do it t...
We loved getting ride the Christmas train and enjoy time with our dear friends, as well as a new Corona-inspired tradition of going to see the lights at the ...
From 8 suitcases to a home: thank you to everyone who has helped make this possible! We are so grateful!

“Transition is a funny thing

Endings need grieing

And beginnings need celebrating.” —Stu G

I am fighting to hold them both

Inside of one beating heart

I’ve found it must be held loosely

Wrapped in a whole lot of gratitude

Thankfulness fills the holes much better

Than bitterness or silence—Rachel


Sunday Funday November and December, Part 3


Sunday Funday November and December, Part 1