Sunday Funday May 3
Prayers and Praises
It was a good week, getting ready for online school to start, the beginning of May with all it’s hope. Saturday Caid watched the girls so I could do another online retreat (Goodness I love those now!). And then SUNDAY hit. May 3rd was a doozy. Sofia woke up with a fever, and—well, you can watch the video for the whole story. She had a febrile seizure, was rushed to the hospital, but is fine now, thank the Lord. It has sorta made everything else fly out of my head, so that is all I have to say about about the week.
Interweb Reads:
I am not Brazilian, and that’s okay: I tend to focus on the sad part of being different, but there is a cool part too, and this is an important subject to understand fully. (Five Minutes of Fergie)
Oh the questions we hear from those we love: “When we make decisions based on our convictions, when we decide to do something difficult or out of the ordinary because we believe it to be right, our actions often affect others, especially those closest to us. And they have questions, and those questions can land with a thud.” (A Life Overseas)
The Stories we make up: “The story I made up was that she didn’t respond out of hurt and disappointment. It wasn’t OK for me to let her down. I should have rationed my energy better to make time for her. She’d been on the fence about being my friend, and I just decided it for her with my flakiness. My messy transition self was just too much for her.” (The Mudroom)