Sunday Funday July 2021

I completely forgot that we’d never really done summer before. We’d never been in the USA for a summer as a family, we’d never had kids (and husband) in school and then out for the summer before. It was a completely different way of doing life: and we loved it.

Prayers and Praises

Praises for getting to do so many fun things and make so many family memories. Praises that Caid had more time to think and process before jumping into his second year of teaching high school integrated Chemistry Physics.

Praises for libraries! I really, really missed them while in Brazil, and loved that my girls got to do the summer reading program for the first time this year. It was many hours of fun time, snuggled up together on the couch. Prayers for the transition back into school season: wow, that happened fast!

Do you know of any church that might want to do this?

Interweb Reads

From me: Podcast: Results and It’s been 9 months and Blogs: Teaching Goalsetting 103 and Why is it so hard to believe you?

Missionary stuff: I am a Foreign Weirdo (A life Overseas), Strangers and Aliens: Covid in the slums (A life overseas), these 6 cultural differnces explain everything (Craig Greenfield), Emptying the Jug (Velvet Ashes)

Politics: How Both Sides Distory the Debate over Critical Race Theory (The Dispatch), The American Conservative does the Unthinkable and dedends the Unmarked Indigenous graves as ‘good, actually.” (Relevant) Structural Racism isn’t Wokeness, it’s reality (The Dispatch) How can you get Communities that are in conflict to actually love each other? (The Dispatch)


Sunday Funday August 2021


Sunday Funday June