Sunday Funday January 5

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Our last video present of 2019! This has been a really great experiment for us Fergies--we miss you all, but hope you have enjoyed getting to see little piec...

Prayers and Praises

Praises for the really fun time we had filming our “12 Days of Fergie-mas,” 12 videos made for family where the girls got to learn more and focus on those family members each day. Prayers as it has been hard to be away from family around the holidays.

Praises for the amazing wedding of Celio and Neide! I had the priviledge of photographing the wedding. We are truly grateful to be able to work with and live in fellowship with this couple!

Praise for the relaxing time that is between Christmas and New Years—what day is it again?

Praise for the fellowship we were able to have with Merica and Heloise (while Flavio took the moving truck the Boa Esperanca and got everything set up) and watch Frozen 2: precious memories!

Interweb Reads:

  1. Letter to a New Missionary Mommy: This came from many things I have personally been learning, and sharing with Mercia, as she leaves her family this week to plant a new church 10 hours away from her home. (Five Minutes of Fergie)

  2. My First Blog Post (January 2005): Walking down memory road as I gather all my best posts from old blogs and put them all together here on this lovely website:). This is back when blog posts were just journal entries. (Five Minutes of Fergie)

  3. End of the Year Checklist: I normally actually do this in January sometime as December never has enough time, but these are the questions and discussions that I like to have to feel closure from one year, and inspired for the next. (Five Minutes of Fergie)

  4. Compairing every version of Little Women: no, the new Little Women hasn’t come out in Brazil yet (that I know of), and yes, I want to see it. But I loved this memory lane (I have loved every one of the versions deeply), and just how differnt times bring out different things from the same book. (YouTube video)

  5. Why Poor People stay Poor: “It’s amazing what things that are absolute crises for me are simple annoyances for people with money. Anything can make you lose your apartment, because any unexpected problem that pops up, like they do, can set off that Rube Goldberg device.” (Slate)

  6. Party to Celebrate Community: I am so glad that their focus for the holidays in Brazil are these get togethers (with lots of food of course, but no presents unless it is a secret santa thing): we have been to quite a few—and were invited to quite a few more (stupid scorpion bite!) Celebrations really are so important. (Velvet Ashes)

  7. The Hardest thing about living Overseas: “The truth is, it is none of those things. Don’t get me wrong, those are very real challenges (even the one about the cheese) but if you want to know the one thing that makes living in Liberia hard…the one thing that keeps me up at night and makes me question whether I belong here or not and makes me feel so tired and weary and like I just want to give up and go home…it is the gray.” (A Life Overseas)


Sunday Funday January 12


Sunday Funday December 29