Sunday Funday January 19

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We normally wait our vacations until we are with family or friends, but decided to try something new at the end of 2019: and'll have to watch and see how it went. Who are we? Missionary vloggers! Connecting through weekly videos. Find out more at

Prayers and Praises

Caid was gone all week for the IMPACT ministry in Boa Esperanca, where Flavio and Mercia and Helo (Sofia’s best friend) are moving to continue the work there. It was a long week without Caid/daddy.

Prayers for our car. It broke down a bit ago and between that and general fix up, was almost $1000 to get things working again. It is a 2015 car, and we are so grateful, but can see that after 5 years with these horrible roads, our car is heading down the old age hill very quickly.

Praises for an amazing VBS at Cajueiro Claro! Not only was it our first endevor for the year, but also our first event without Flavio and Mercia. Things went really well, and pastor Celio and his wife Neide (who is the new director for Living Stones Cajueiro Claro) did an amazing job in VERY. HOT. WEATHER.

Praises as more than 230 people heard the gospel, 84 made decisions for Christ, and 119 want to hear more about Jesus (for Flavio to follow up on) through the IMPACT 2020 outreach.

Interweb Reads:

  1. The Harsh Flip Side of serving Overseas: “You will make your mother cry. You feel like your life is completely out of control. You’ll look and feel like an idiot, especially in the early years. You will lose your friends. You will feel a lot of doubt about your future.” (A Life Overseas)

  2. Serving as the Broken: “We do not act as though we are with them in longing for restoration and healing, rather that we are somehow the source of it. We don’t act like we wake up in our mess every morning and need Jesus again. Some say faith is for weak people, faith is a crutch. I say, “Amen.” I am weak. “ (A Life Overseas)

  3. Seeing the full picture: “I’m not sure how it’s possible, but I know it’s true. Last year was ugly and beautiful, disappointing and delightful, and surprising in the best and worst ways. All of the amazing things that happened aren’t less true or less valuable because of my struggle. And the fact that I wrestled with my faith in a new and painful way wasn’t reduced by the fact that I experienced a lot of joy. Our lives are full of both joy and pain — often at the very same time. And that’s okay. We can acknowledge both. We can hold both. And we can worship God through both.” (Incouage)

  4. Advent thoughts and Ideas: quite late—but my advent post for last year:) (Five Minutes of Fergie)

  5. 2020 Goals: I post this every year (Five Minutes of Fergie)

  6. Best of 2019 (Netflix): All our favorite shows and surprise favorite movies from 2019 (and all time, really) (Five Minutes of Fergie)

  7. Best Vlogs of 2019: Did you know we have a video with 21,000 views? Find out more about us and our 400+ videos! (Five Minutes of Fergie)

PS—I know I am behind in the videos…I’ve still been putting out videos, but finally have caught up on events from 2020. I hope to be caught with January…by the end of January:)


Sunday Funday January 26


Sunday Funday January 12