August 2024 Sun Fun

Praises and Prayers

The problem with posting this late in September is that I have forgotten most of August. It was hot, for the most part, and I enjoyed that and Caid didn’t. Please pray for Sofia and school, as it has been a hard transition for her at a new school. She had a really good network and support system at her old school, and there has been one student that decided to make fun of her the first couple of days of school. Her teachers has been great and supportive, and the situation has been fixed for the future, but little hearts remember first bullies, and this was hers. Jessica is taking on life well, and both girls have enjoyed being book buddies (4th graders get to read to 1st graders) and going to after school dance class.

Caid has become the girls’ assistant soccer coach at his school, so that is taking up a bit of time, but in a good way. We loved our annual State Fair trip, but didn’t realize that Jessica was getting pneumonia—she had a fever one weekend, and the a cough the next- when the cough got surprisingly deep, I took her to immediate care where after xrays, she was diagnosed with pneumonia. Threw me for a loop! I loved getting to celebrate my birthday at the “fancy” cabin we’ve been talking about going to for years. And for labor day, we labored away at the list of house to dos before winter: powerwashing the house/deck/garage, and then sanding/sealing the deck. It looks amazing and GOSH, homeownership is a trip!

Interweb Reads:

Me stuff: What does God say about Poverty?, The Dark Space to Slide Into, Tea Bags All Over Again, What I’ve Learned about Immigration from Being a Missionary, Olympics for Families, Teaching About Global Poverty for Children, I can see Galaxies

Politics: Maga’s Anti-Haitian Cat-Panic Isn’t Really about Immigration (the Dispatch), I’ve read Basham’s book and I have some Thoughts (Holy Post)

Missionary stuff: Seeing Myself in the Poisonwood Bible (Amy Medina)

Christian stuff: You want to read this: how to grow older (Ann Voskamp), Why Christians need to think about polyamory (Preston Sprinkle)

Other stuff: We Ignore Relational Poverty at our Peril (Courtney Martin)


September 2024 SunFun


June/July Sun Fun