Sunday Funday August 30

I made a video—many videos—this week, but due to various circumstances, we aren’t able to share them yet—Don’t worry—videos from Boa Esperanca, my birthday, and our weekend trip will be coming soon!

Prayers and Praises

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Prayers for two big things:

  1. It seems like Brazil will not have in-person school for the rest of the year. This means no Living Stones program, as churches as also not allowed to have kids under 10 in the building. It means all our public school kids are losing an entire year of schooling—they will not have, and have not had ANY school (other than a couple weeks in February/March that will need to be redone). It also means big changes for how we do private school at the International school—lots of changes coming up, and lots of new learning/growing for us online teachers!

  2. Plane ticket mess-ups. In a long, sad, sorry story, sneaky internet advertizing and some wrong typing by me led to a big problem for our next trip, and it is taking lots of time and energy to try to sort it out:(. Travel in the time of Covid is not my favorite!

Interweb Reads

  1. The College Experience Myth: A good read, from a secular view. As someone who saw through it and so went to community college, saving herself from years and years of student loans, I am glad other people are starting to see through the college experience myth. Covid is truly changing forever what education looks like. (Teen Vogue)

  2. Covid and Culture Shock feel the same to your Brain: I love the connection with my past experience with culture shock to what I (and everyone else!) is going through now—and this supports it with good science! (A Life Overseas)


Sunday Funday September 6


Sunday Funday August 23