New Year, New Goals

Every year for the last many years I have written out my goals for the year. I enjoy looking back at them and adding/changing things. Last year I did a whole different thing where I did squares. It helped me organize things, it helped me think it through, I needed something totally different because we’d just changed countries but….I didn’t really LIKE it.

So I went back to my list this year.

But I did keep some of the same ideas.

I kept the same general headings as I’d generally used in the past, and kinda last year. I think these headins will pretty much stay the same, with just the more specific goals under them being the things that change from year to year:

As a Christian and as a Woman (BEING)

1.      Spiritual:

2.      Emotional:

3.      Physical:

4.      Mental:

5.      Quarterly Personal growth:

As a Wife a Mom (CONNECTING)

1.      Wife:

2.      Mom:

3.      Family:

4.      Quarterly special event/travel:

Ministry work (GROWING)

1.      World Renewal Brazil Rep:

2.      World Renewal Head of Publications

I still like doing a “Word of the year” thing too:) that is fun. My word is 40. yep. And I fixed the dailies thing I made last year, and added to it.

Apparently, If I actually get done the dailies and weeklies, I need a list of things I like to do in my freetime. Because I am old and I can’t remember and what is this “freetime” you are talking about?

The choices are—If I can make those choices—Do it! I value those things.


I Cared


Roe V Wade