End of the Year Checklist

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The end of every year comes and goes and I scramble together all the year in reviews and making sure things come to a close—and don’t forget plan for the next year! Any every year I try to put something together from scratch. Not again please.

  1. End of the year Ministry discussions

    1. What have you been working on this last year?

    2. What are your goals for next year (with a general timeline)

    3. What financial needs do you have?

    4. What guidance, accountability, or mentorship do you have? How often?

    5. Are you planning on making any major changes in ministry in the next few years?

    6. Do you have unmet needs? What? How can we pray?

2. Budget Discussions

  1. Personal: Food, gifts/dates, car insurance/savings, health insurance, clothes, girls education

  2. Housing: Rent, water, utilities, internet, upkeep

  3. Ministry: Gas, Living Stones supplies, Music supplies, phones, ministry food, travel savings

  4. Plus Taxes and 10% administration fee

3. YouTube Videos

  1. Year in review for each Living Stones location

  2. Year in review for all of Living Stones

  3. Year in review for our family

4. Blog Posts

  1. Finance reports for Living Stones

  2. Finance report for our family

  3. Best vlogs of ____ and how to follow us

  4. Best blogs of ____ and how to follow us

  5. Favorites of ____ (Netflix, movies/shows, podcasts, books)

  6. Make sure to do best nine on Instagram)

  7. Goals for _____

5. New Years Goals Discussions

  1. What do you want to repeat from last year?

  2. What do you NOT want to repeat, but want to change from last year?

  3. Where did funding come from? Who really supported you? How can you help/encourage these people and grow with them?

  4. What made you happy/did you enjoy last year that you need to schedule more of?

  5. When are your vacations this year?

  6. What is your personal development plan for this year?

  7. What did you read/watch/listen that made the most impact this year?

  8. What is your biggest win this year? What/who are you most grateful for?

  9. What did you you worry about/regret most and how did it turn out?

  10. If you could go back to last January 1st, what would you tell yourself?


2020 Goals


My very first blog post (January 2005 on Xanga)