2023 Goals

Goals for 2023

Word for the year: Invited

As a Christian and as a Woman (BEING)

1.      Spiritual: 5:30 moment with God, Read through the Bible, family worship

2.      Emotional: my mentor, accountability partner, mentoring others, investing in new friendships

3.      Physical: lots of water, drink breakfast, small dinner, work out regularly (lower cholesterol)

4.      Mental: blog, vlog, and podcast 2x a month, finish Lent/Advent book, publish a new book

5.      Quarterly Personal growth: If retreat, Velvet ashes retreat, summer Brazil trip, influencer free conference

As a Wife a Mom (CONNECTING)

1.      Wife: monthly date and counseling, Caid focused evenings, prayer together, 10th anniversary trip (and tattoo)

2.      Mom: Greet girls for wake-up, hair/bath routine, more reading Portuguese/out loud together, volunteer at their school

3.      Family: Call on Sunday, Taco Tuesday, focused fun together

4.      Quarterly special event/travel: Spring cabin/Caid bday, Summer CT/Sofia bday/Brazil, Fall Covered Bridge/Rachel bday, Winter Madison/Jessica bday

Ministry work (GROWING)

1.      World Renewal Brazil Rep:

a.      World Help stuff  

b.      Living Stones Instagram/FB: Easter, Mother’s Day, VBS, Children’s day, Christmas/end of year and end of the year videos

c.       30 Year Summer Trip to Brazil—publish training book

d.      Anyone from Brazil coming to USA/other missionaries

e.      Speak at churches and serve our donors well

f.        Get new donors

2.      World Renewal Head of Publications

a.      Weekly posting plan for the year (Insta, fb, constant contact)

b.      Keep the website updated

c.       Weekly reels/ Friday Story summaries

d.      Working with Jen on kids things

e.      Mission’s celebration with kid’s focus, videos of everyone, magazine/book something


Edge of the Bubble


What is Privilege?