Free Will and Abortion
Christianity is a choice. God gives us free will and we can choose Him or not. I believe the best choice is God and His way of doing life. He works with us within the context we are currently at. We are currently, in history, at a place because of various inventions (notably birth control and general better life chances than ever before), that women have (generally, in developed countries) equal power and say in marriage and sex and children. We have never had this context before.
I think we can all agree that free choice is something God values, and thinks each person should have (otherwise, why would He have given it to us?) I believe that women having free choice in marriage and sex and children is the right thing: although I may not agree with how that free choice is used (I don’t think God agrees that we should choose to be away and reject him either).
I think we can all agree that it is wrong to only allow men to divorce, and not women. If we feel divorce is a necessary evil in this fallen world- it needs to be available to both men and women. Historically this wasn’t true because women couldn’t generally survive on their own- especially with children. Leaving their husband- for any reason, including abuse- generally meant a life of poverty, early death, and prostitution: for them and for their children.
I hope we can agree that it is wrong to only allow men to walk away from a pregnancy, and not women. It breaks my heart that abortion is a part of our broken world. My friend said it well, “Legalized abortions gave power to two of the three involved, rather one of the three.” But the power is still given to the man and the woman at the expense of the rights of the baby.
I am sad that I live in a world with 50% divorce rates. I am glad I live in a world where if there has to be divorce- it is able to be done by the woman as well as the man. I am sad that I live in a world with 125,000 abortions every day. I am glad that I live in a world where the number of abortions today is lower than it was before (Row v. Wade) abortions became legal in the USA- and probably lower than it ever was before in history (percentage wise, especially when you include infanticide—but this can’t be proven as statistics were not kept).
I am sad that I live in a world where more than half of children today will grow up without a mother and father all living in the same home. I am glad that I live in a world where more and more women (and men) do not feel they have to sacrifice their health and safety to hold a marriage together for their children to succeed in life.
It is a crazy and often scary time we live in, but it is also a beautiful and brave time we live in. And as a Christian, I need to remember that He is, and always has been in control: not men, not women, and certainly not me. It is not my job to make anyone obey God and His laws- that is the Holy Spirit’s job, and it is blasphemy to try to take it as my own. I can (and will) believe and plead and preach that certain choices in life are right and will lead to a better life: but I have to leave the choice with the person, and love them just the same.
I believe that sex inside marriage is right, and outside of marriage is wrong. But I understand there are a million variables and reasons and situations that lead us places, and no matter if you agree or disagree, or choose or don’t choose to do so- I love you still- the same- as God has called me to do.
I believe that divorce is wrong. But understand that there are a million variables and reasons and situations that lead us places, and no matter if you agree or disagree, or choose or don’t choose to do so- I love you still-the same- as God has called me to do.
I believe that abortion is wrong. But I understand that there are a million variables and reasons and situations that lead us places, and no matter if you agree or disagree, or choose or don’t choose to do so- I love you still- the same- as God has called me to do.