Olympics for Families

Five things I want to teach my kids about the world through the Olympics:

  1. The History of the Olympics: There are a lot of easy and good YouTube videos for this. Just type in “Olympics for Kids” and enjoy! (I like the TED-Ed channel). Our library has lots of Olympic themed books available as well.

  2. World Geography: You can’t go wrong with the classic Animaniacs sing along: Yakko’s World (on the WB Kids channel), but I love “Tour the World” on Marbles the Brain Store channel as well. Hang a world map somewhere in your house (my mom had a shower curtian!).

  3. Country Flags: Free PDF downloads: Homeschoolcreations.com/files/Flags_of_Countries.pdf and Activityvillage.co.uk/sites/default/files/downloads/my_country_study.pdf. More ideas about EVERYTHING Olympics are on pintrest (you can check out my Olympics board: Rachel Winzeler Ferguson)

  4. Global Poverty: This is a very vast and hard subject, but Teaching kids about global poverty can help!

  5. Global Missions: What is God’s plan for the World? How can we be a part of it? WorldRenewal.org/kids is the place to go for ideas on how to explain and talk to your kids about missions, with an easy Missions strategy page, using holidays to dive more into what life is like for kids around the world, and a whole curriculum for parents/churches to use—all free downloads!


Teaching about Global Poverty for Children


Teaching ADVENT