Sunday Funday September 20
The first video was from the end of August, as we finally get caught up. The second video is more recent stuff. Thanks for your understanding as things are changing now—I won’t be promising weekly videos anymore. But we will still find ways to keep you updated on us, and eventually will probaby do just as many videos:).
Prayers and Praises
Prayers for us as moving is a really big deal. 17 years in 8 suitcases—that’s all we get to keep.
Interweb Reads:
Burn out Ugly: some of my pandemic thoughts (Five Minutes of Fergie)
Cross-Cultural Marriage: Do you have any good resources I could add? (Five Minutes of Fergie)
Timing is Everything: “Recently, I was in a class discussion about how our foreignness can attract various types of people. In the culture we serve, it’s often the type that doesn’t fit the social norms of their own culture. They’re viewed as an outsider for one reason or another. Because of that mentality, they have less shame or resistance to randomly come up to one of us and start pelting us with questions or dive into their life-long story. It’s kind of bizarre, but we often attract these types of people.” (Velvet Ashes)
The Idolatry of Patriotism: “Despite the fact that He lived in an age when plenty of political and nationalistic issues were being hotly debated, Jesus never displayed the slightest interest in such matters. He didn’t come to bring us a “new and improved” version of the Kingdom of the world. He came to inaugurate a Kingdom that is “not of this world.” It’s a Kingdom that is no more Israeli than it is Palestinian; no more American than it is Iraqi; and no more socialist than it is democratic. Instead, it’s a Kingdom that encompasses people from every nation and political persuasion, for it puts on display the “one new humanity” Jesus died to create (Ephesians 2:15). In this Kingdom, Paul declares, there is no longer any Jew or Greek (Galatians 3:27-29). In our Kingdom, all national, tribal, ethnic, gender, social and economic distinctions are insignificant.” (Relevant)
What Makes people Fall for Qanon? ““They feel that if you just imagine that there are these bad people in control of the world, then you can also imagine that they might act differently, and then the world would be a better place,” Lewandowsky said. “And that ability to think something could be different is providing comfort if they’re afraid.”" (The Dispatch)
Questions Third Culture Kids and their Parents Love: Some ideas for talking to our kids when we return to the USA. (A Life Overseas)