Sunday Funday October 20

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October 12 is Children's Day, a time for us to celebrate these awesome kids and how much Jesus loves them! This year, all four of our locations had outreaches for their communities, blessing these families.

Prayers and Praises:

Caid and Rachel got to have some lovely time ALONE. Unfortunately, our amazing babysitter ended up with Pinkeye from her time at our home (So this is a praise and a prayer request).

Praise for all the amazing Children’s Day celebrations! Did you see the above video? Go watch it!

Prayers for Rachel heading to the USA October 22nd, and Caid as he mans the home for a week.

Prayers for the Living Stones Weekend (October 25-27)! Hope you are coming!!

Interweb Reads:

  1. On Scarcity and Abundance: “Will there be enough hot water to have a shower? To wash my hair? To wash dishes? I find that I want to hoard what I have, to try and capture it so it won’t go away. I think about this all the time. I am living out of fear that there will not be enough – I am living from a mindset of scarcity, not abundance.” (A Life Overseas)

  2. God Speaks Your Language: “How could I not communicate with God in my mother tongue?

    But then, He spoke. He only had to say two syllables to let me know I am fully seen and understood: He said my Chinese name. My name, that only my family knows and speaks. “ (Velvet Ashes)

  3. An Invitation to Empathize: “I listened as she poured out her heart, and then I told her that God loved her. Then I told her I loved her too. She didn’t say it back to me that day, but it was okay. I said what I needed to say.” (Ann Voskamp)

  4. Online, No one Knows You’re Poor: “Online, no one knows you are poor. No one is posting photos of the basket of bills overflowing, some of the envelopes with urgent stamped on them. Very few people write about the choices they make out of fear of going bankrupt, like selling expensive camera lenses that feel less important than rent. And few of us want to admit that we are struggling with money, even though we live in a culture where the rich have grown astronomically rich and the rest of us have grown anxious about health insurance. As my friend Ashley Ford wrote online one day: “I’m trying to choose an insurance plan, but I’m pretty sure the only good insurance is wealth.” (Guardian)

  5. Cappuccino with Barzan: “If only we were there. If only we were there to sit with our friends and get angry with them. If only we were there to walk beside them, to show them that the world had not left them. If only we could sit with them and let them see that they do have friends beyond the mountains. But we weren’t there because of the Kurdish government, not the American government. Two governmental decisions. Two betrayals.” (Communicating across Boundaries)

  6. Need for Seasonal Bookends: “I need someone who is a season or two ahead of me in life who offers a hopeful perspective of where I’m headed, as well as someone who is a season or two behind me whom I can offer a hopeful perspective from where I’ve been. I like to call them seasonal bookends.” (Incourage)


Sunday Funday October 27


October 13 Sunday Funday