Sunday Funday May 31

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Moving into our third month of pandemic quarentine, and mostly...there's a lot of food. We are grateful for each day, and for this time with family and to le...

Prayers and Praises

Praises as I (Rachel) got to be a part of a missionary ladies zoom call with ladies from our home church. Around the world encouragement and prayer is really amazing!

Prayers for Caid, as he continues to struggle with sleep and panic attacks. It truly is one day at a time.

Praises for some really great meetings and decisions about our future. It is incredible to be a part of team of people that really care for us and are supporting us and what God is doing in our lives!

Prayers for Brazil, as we are still in the thick of things coronavirus-wise, and prayers for the USA and all this pain, problems, and prejudice. We weep with you, from afar. Right now we are focusing on our health and growth as a family, but I do hope that as we continue to learn, one day we will have words and actions to be God’s light of change in matters of black and white and a mixture of colors and cultures.

Interweb Reads:

  1. White Christians, here is what Black Christians want you to do: “Now, I’m not saying expressions of remorse and sorrow aren’t welcomed. What I am saying is, if you’re still asking the same questions (who should I follow, what books should I read, what documentaries should I watch, etc.), then your words ring empty.” (Faithfully)

  2. This is why Colin took a Knee: that meme about “Don’t protest that way” was really powerful. I wasn’t against Colin taking the knee—I actually wanted the NFL to take it and make it something more—but I think now, while we may disagree about what the problem is, we all know there is a problem. I wish we could have seen that back when it was just Colin taking a knee (Washington Post).

  3. Talking sin to a culture that doesn’t believe in it: “Theo looked at me in astonishment and said, “So you’re telling me that, according to the Bible, my suffering is actually due to the fact that I’ve been worshiping the wrong thing?” “Exactly! And Theo, you are not alone! All of us, myself included, have used God-substitutes. All of us have turned from God and tried to run our own lives as if we are in charge. It’s the primary reason for all the brokenness around us and in us.” (The Gospel Coalition)

  4. What are you even doing Here? “Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, I was a fresh, excited, bi-vocational missionary-teacher in Alaska. I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to partner with God. I wanted to use my gifts and my training and my time to spread the gospel. I wanted to shine His glory to the uttermost parts of the earth. And then … it was really, really, REALLY hard. I barely made it two months into village life before finding myself gasping for air.” (A Life Overseas)

  5. Giving in to the Ache: “I suppose I should give myself over to

    this gorgeous ache more often.

    Lift my folded wings and show my underbelly

    in all its lovingness.

    Tumble all awkwardly into that deep joy pool

    So that, perhaps,

    I might find you there.” (She Loves Magazine)


Sunday Funday June 7


Sunday Funday May 24