Sunday Funday January 31st
We made it through January! Cheers! So it looks like I’ll be making videos and doing updates once or twice a month. We are beginning season 7 (can you believe it??) of our family vlogs.
Prayers and Praises
Praises: We’'ve been in our new home for a month now. It feels so good to just be. I am super excited that we found a way to hang up our Brazilian hammock in the dining room.
Praises: Sofia is doing well in Kindergarden at the local public school, which is two blocks away. Walking her to school (with Jessie in the stroller) and picking her up has been good for setting our routine and feeling a part of the community here.
Prayers: School is really hard on teachers! Caid is doing double duty as he plans and teaches the kids in his class, and the kids online (his students can choose in-person or online classes). It is so much work, and doesn’t give him much time to work on adjusting to life here.
Praises: I (Rachel) am excited about working as the World Renewal Brazil Representative in the USA, as well as working with World Renewal to creat a new “Head of Publications” position. February is planning/preparing month, and then Marching into it:).
Interweb Reads:
Thoughts around the January 6 riots: In Days Like these (Ann Voskamp) From the Leadership team: a Response to the Storming of the US Capital (A Life Overeas), An Important Apology Shows the Path Past Christian Trumpism (The Dispatch).
Missionary Stuff: It’s Time to Live like Missionaries (Amy Medina), How well do you know your host nation? (A Life Overseas). Jesus with Skin on (Velvet Ashes).
From me: Two Shell Casings and I started a new blog (!) called Friday Finds. What is it? Basically books, shows, and ideas that I’d love to share with you! I took some posts from other blogs, and added 4 more: Riley Unlikely, Where Goodness Still Grows, The Bulletproof Diet, and Caste.
A really good read: The Fragility of Goodness (Communicating Across Boundaries)
From David French’s Dispatch article
I am really ready for some boring:)