Sunday Funday January 2022

Prayers and Praises

It’s a new year! And it is so cold. And snow makes the cold a little bit better, as do heaters and blankets and tea, but not much. I (Rachel) have been snuggling under lots of layers and lots of books from the library. There was a winter ball, my parents babysitting for extra dates, and a great trip to see friends that always warms the heart.

Caid has been doing well: he likes the cold. The college semester has a slow start in January, so it gave him more time to breathe and plan for teaching high school. Doing both is still soooo much, but it is a sooo much that we are getting used to, which helps out quite a bit.

Be careful, Sofia is learning more math problems than just 81x75 and 10 divided by 8, and Jessica likes to help with the math “plablems” when they involve 0 or 1. Sofia also finished memorizing the New Testament books, and Jessica got to take home “Cubbie” from Cubbies (Awana). They are learning as fast as we can teach, and we are grateful.

Interweb Reads

Me stuff: The girls are helping me with THE BEST EVER AUDIOBOOK, through different podcast episodes. It’s one of my favorite things. I have updated my book to now have a table of contents, glossary, and over 70 endnotes of where I got all my information/resources to check into. Money Stuff from the Fergies, and from Living Stones, 2022 goals, a piece about caring and terms and being willing to talk about it, A poem, and some books to start the new year out with! You can tell I DIDN’T want to go outside.

Missions stuff: Lessons from Haiti: How to Help Better (Christianity Today), Icing and Mochas (Velvet Ashes), When the Straight and Narrow isn’t (A Life Overseas), Why I don'‘t Care about the Poor Right Now (Craig Greenfield)

Christian stuff: Does the Bible really say we must obey the Government? (Craig Greenfield), Should Christian Women Watch Redeeming Love? (Phylicia Magonheimer), The Danger of "Convenient’ Generosity (Relevant)

Other stuff: The places where truth goes to die (The Dispatch), Your Bubble is not the Culture (The Atlantic), When the Film Burns up (Courtney Martin), Elite Universities should stop prizing victimhood (Unherd), The Cult of Ideology vs. The Cult of Personality (The Dispatch)

LENT IS COMING! Here is free Lent guide from Kate Bowler! Valentine’s Day is coming—here is a free 70 page printout!


Sunday Funday February 2022


Sunday Funday December 2021