Sunday Funday July
June videos that I’ve finally finished:
And all of the Brazil videos:
Prayers and Praises
July was amazing. Part of it was in Brazil, which I will just have to talk about later because I am still unpacking it, but needless to say, the trip felt very grounding, like coming home, and like I’d never left—but also new, fresh, and beautiful as always. I was very happy to go, but also very happy to come home: I will always love Brazil, but it was the right decision to leave, and God’s given me the faith to not doubt that.
I am also old. 27 hours of travel each way was exhausting.
A day and a half after returning from Brazil we left for Connecticut. Caid’s summers off mean everything needs to get fit into that less than two months time. This year it was finishing his transition to teaching program (until June 22), Rachel’s Brazil trip (June 26-July 7) and visiting Caid’s family (July 9-24) July 25 Caid went back to work for teacher prep time. And just like that, summer break was over.
I hope to have the Connecticut videos and August videos done by next Sunday Funday. We had a lovely trip visiting friends on the way down and back, and getting to see family- and even a trip to NYC! It is neat to see the opportunities open up as the girls get a bit older. We are super grateful for the stay with Nay-Nay and Pa-pa!
Sofia started second grade August 1st, and Jessica is doing preschool with mommy (she is already half-way through her kindergarden book…I am not sure how much I should keep doing?). Caid is at a new location that he can bikeride to for work, which he loves. He is also teaching Gym and Choir instead of Integrated Chemistry/Physics. His students start August 10.
I am going to be 40 soon
It’s at the park next to Newfields (the Art Museum). I’ll bring lots of bagels, smear, and lemonade, and you can bring fresh fruit or veggies, if you’d like. It’s a come and hang out kinda thing: enjoy the beauty! (if it rains we will move t the cafe at the Art Museum, but that is more pricey, so we are trying to avoid that)
Interweb Reads:
My podcast: Has the focus on Evangelism made us forget Discipleship? and The stories we don’t tell
Missionary stuff: Hiding Abuse does not Protect the Mission (A Life Overseas), Post Traumatic growth through re-storying (Communicating Across Boundaries), You can’t cross the Ocean on an Ipad (A Life overeas)
Christian stuff: My body my choice: the argument of Autonomy (Amy Medina), The Women Left behind by the pro-life movement (Religion and Politics), Don’t do your best (Ekstasis)