August SunFun
Praises and Prayer
Yay August! I am not all caught up yet, but did finish the Brazil videos and the first day of school (which was actually July 31st). Can’t believe my little ladies are off to 3rd grade and Kindergarten! They are flourishing, and it delights my heart. I’ve started volunteering at the school, and how precious are 20 Kindergarteners! And why do they all want to tell you their name at the same time?
We all enjoyed going to the Youth Center reunion—how wonderful it is to see and chat with old friends. The State Fair is always fun (video yet to come), and a special family moment. Since the girls are at school during the week, my parents are having them for an evening each week, meaning Caid and I are able to have weekly date nights! That is awesome!! And like…we’ve run out of ideas to do already:).
Caid performed for the neighborhood get together, and we’ve been able to connect with our neighbors and get the tree that fell the end of June off of our yard (in the middle of August). I can’t say that the front yard grass is doing that great yet, but it is trying. It has been very HOT (over 70 degrees is hot for Caid, but the 80 percent humitity with 90+ degrees has made me admit it is hot as well) for the second half of August, and moving into September. I really want to go on family bike rides, but that will have to wait until it gets a bit cooler.
We’ve been keeping some evenings and weekends pretty chill as the girls just need time to unwind, and perhaps the parents do as well. I’ve been enjoying reading and sorting books—working on being more intentional. I get sudden rushes of productivity, and that has been fun. I had such a lovely in-between birthday this year: not a big party or whatnot like last year for turning 40, but just going to a lovely place (Traders Point Creamery) with just close family, and feeling really grateful and loved. And no clean up!
Interweb Reads
Me stuff: my Birthday Poem, and actually I didn’t do these, but I got to star in these incredible videos that my talented friend Adam Erickson did: Why go on a missions trip, Living Stones 2023 summer, English camp 2023, and 30th Anniversary
Christian stuff: The unexpected secrets to growing happier as you grow older (Ann Voskamp), Oliver Anthony’s viral hit doesn’t love its neighbors (Christianity Today), The mystery of Salvation: my story of doubt and faith (Amy Medina), Worth your time (Amy Medina), Blackberries + Shame (Shannon Martin)
Other stuff: 25 fun back to school traditions (Everyday Reading)
Missionary stuff: Isn’t my sacrifice enough? (A Life Overseas)