Sunday Funday April 5
Weekly Vlog
A bit different this week—sharing with you a simple, creative way to share Easter with your kids this year! Also, it has been a week of singing for our family: Psalm 42 Cover, Hope has Come Cover, and I Shall not Want Cover. As well as some singing with the girls: This Little Light of Mine, The Lord is my Shepherd, and of course, Baby Shark. As you can see, we’ve had some extra time on our hands.
Prayers and Praises
Praises as we continue to be in good health, and enjoying this time as a family (except when we are not, but that is normal)
Prayers for friends suffering from Covid-19 (especially my friend Moose), or from other sicknesses—as now anything at the hospital is a strain and full of unknowns.
Praises that our “virtual vacation” is going…decently well. Since my girls are 4 and 2, even my best lesson plans won’t help them sit still for longer than 30 minutes. (I have found that if I add snacks during the lesson, it gives me another 15 minutes or so.)
Prayers for the vulnerable communities in Brazil: we had news that some men with guns were causing trouble at the trash dump community, so please keep them in your prayers. Also, we can feel (we’ve been on basic self-quarentine since March 18th here) people getting more anxious and nervous about their food situations. We are checking in regularly with our local Living Stones leaders to make sure everyone is taken care of.
Interweb Reads:
Roots and Wings: Yes, this is from me. So just read it. (Five Minutes of Fergie)
Resurrection Eggs Easter Idea: We’ve got it simple in English and Portuguese! Super excited to be able to offer this resource FOR THE FIRST TIME to our amazing local leaders for Living Stones! (Five Minutes of Fergie)
On Viruses: “In the midst of a pandemic crisis, my friend is having to worry about and work on an anti-racism campaign. She holds the dual burden of protecting her family and community’s health along with the weighty burden of protecting their safety” (Communicating Across Boundaries)
Let me be Singing when the Evening Comes: You guys. The second gut-rentching blog I have read of missionaries who had to evacuate. (Everyone Needs a Little Grace in Their Lives)
Rich Christians in the age of Coronavirus: “If we–a middle-income American family who, for the moment, still have our jobs–are going to receive unanticipated, unearned income, she insisted, we should distribute the funds among families from our church who have lost their jobs or have had their work hours dramatically reduced. “ (Relevant)