Living Stones Blog

It began in 1998. I was there, moving bricks for the first location of Living Stones. I saw it work in 2004, when I returned to Brazil as an intern. In 2007 I started volunteering regularly, and in 2009 I was given the job of Living Stones Coordinator, which I wore proudly until 2020, when I returned to the USA and became the representative for the whole ministry in Brazil, not just Living Stones.

As I work to clearly explain what Living Stones is to an American audience, and connect it with the other child sponsorship programs that World Renewal has around the world, I also don’t want to lose, or forget all the special things Living Stones uniquely is.

I have had many attempts to explain Living Stones, and to keep up with the stories over the years, but I will try my best to consolidate and bring out the best of those here.

From 2011-2016:

Here was the Living Stones Blog

Here was the Cajueiro Claro blog

Here was the Mussurepe blog

Here was the Lagoa de Itaenga blog

Here was the Carpina blog

Here was the Paudalho blog

Here was the Guadalajara blog

Here was the Trash Dump blog

Here was Living Stones Birthdays

Yes, I literally kept all of these blogs going. Then I got an actual website for Living Stones with Squarespace, from 2016 to 2021. Now, that is going to be shutting down, but I will try to keep all the highlights, all the best stuff, on here.

Perhaps I will eventually get to covering them on my podcast (I started with my blogs from 2005, so it is going to take a while), because I need to cover this blog and then this blog, and then finally get to all of the blogs that are here on Fiveminutesoffergie:). It is a lot. And I am finally learning to edit and to let go. But….baby steps.


Carnaval Camp for Kaylane