Why am I a Missionary? Part 3

1. Because I have found something good--the Way of Life--and I want everyone who comes into my little bit of world to know Jesus--whom they need. I am sold out to this idea. I also think this is what it means for everyone who is a Christian to be a missionary.

2. Because I have been invested in and given the set of skills needed to the job--and a darn good job--in Brazil. The workers are few. I can go where many others cannot. This is me as not just a missionary, but as a career missionary.

3. Because people who have need to give just as much as people who have not need to receive, and I have a gift in connecting those people. Missions is necessary in the body of Christ.

4. Because it makes me happy. I want and desire to go to Brazil. I LOVE working with Living Stones. It lights me up, it is my passion. "Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." ― Howard Thurman. Is God big enough to match what He wants me to do with what makes me happy? YES!

5. Because this is what God knows will work in me to make me more like the image of Christ. His goal for me (and all Christians) is sanctification (Romans 8:28-30), and He knows I need to learn a lot more—and this—for now—is the best way for that to be done in my life.


How to be a Missionary, Part 4


What is a Missionary? Part 2