Resurrection Eggs Easter Idea

I absolutely love the Resurrection Eggs set that my mom bought for me years ago. I have been using it to tell the story of Easter to childen in American and Brazil for YEARS. But over the years I have found a couple of problems, that I am determind to fix, to enable more people to use this valuable tool.

  1. The Scripture is great, but it is all over the place and LONG. Finding the Scriptures for each egg and reading them (which I definately want to do, and think is important) was taking time and I was loosing the attention of the kids. Solution: Most of the Scriptures I used are all in Matthew, and almost all very short.

  2. The little pieces are hard to replace. In Northeast Brazil especially, where there are no Sunday school specialty stores. Solution: I replaced them with items that are easy to find around the house.

  3. Most kids under 5 don’t last after the first 6 eggs—they’re just done. Solution: I highlighted in yellow the 6 eggs to do if you have a younger group of kids.

  4. They don’t offer the Resurrection Eggs in Northeast Brazil (that I have found). Solution: Make an example video in Portuguese, have easy items to use (see #3), and if they don’t have plastic eggs (not common in our part of Brazil), have them put it in a box (where the kids cannot see the items until you reveal them).

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