My Best of 2021
My Book: ebook, softcover, or hardback
My Podcast: 20 episodes my first year!
Our Vlogs: We have 676 videos, and 617 subscribers. Our top video has 35,000 views (What is Christmas like in Brazil?), and I made 42 videos this year—pretty close to one a week after I said I didn’t think that would happen:).
Website/Blogs: I hope this website is a place to connect. I added three new blogs this year, to fill out every day of the week. Check them out:
Free-verse Thursday (for all the poems)
Friday Finds (book reviews/quotes and when I find cool stuff to share with you)
Saturday Sponsorship (for Living Stones, since I’ve shut down the separate website for it)
Sunday Funday: monthly updates on our family
Mission Monday: My favorite posts this year were the Listening series and Refugee Day
Teaching Tuesday: My new posts about Lent (part 1, 2, 3), Advent, and Goals (part 1, 2, 3)
Whatever Wednesday: My favorite posts this year were about Lament and Abortion
World Renewal. Since my new job is the Head of Publications, I am excited about what I’ve gotten to create with them on their Instagram, Website, YouTube, and Magazine