Best Kids Books 2024

LOVED the Apostles Creed—all the FatCat books looks amazing, and are really well done. The “I like Making Things…what jobs are there?” is a series. Jessica really liked the one about I like art, and Sofia liked the one about I like Helping People.

Dogman continues to be one of Sofia’s favorite series, and Phoebe and her Unicorn is one of Jessica’s favs. Since we finished reading outloud the first two Harry Potter books (and had watch parties for the movies), we are pausing that series until the girls get older and continuing the Amari series for our read-aloud. We loved listening to the whole Narnia series, and are now doing radio theater Anne of Green Gables. The girls and I got out over 500 books from the library this year, using the hold system to send them to our Garfield Park library, but we love special trips to the downtown central library. Over the summer we maxed out how many books you can have out at a time (I think it is 125?), and the girls finished the summer reading program in the first two weeks!


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