Coming Home

January 2012

Sitting next to family at church

Whispering to Anna

Arm around John

Laughing because church should include laughing

Convicted by the singing

They say more lies are sung on Sunday morning

Do you really want to live only

For His glory and pleasure?

Do you really surrender all?

Rowan doesn't want to leave

He giggles as I squeeze him

And cries when he goes

My small connection made

Will he forget me before I return?

Start all over again

Friends say hello

Strangers introduce themselves

Questions asked

Gifts given

I love being sent

You can't really leave until

You have someone to say goodbye to

If nothing really holds you

You are only going, not leaving

But I am overly blessed

I find myself continually coming home

Always a goodbye and a



To Little Sisters that Grow Taller than Me


No Helmet